Why Womens Magic Hands

The artisan sector is a crucial driver of economic growth, job creation, and cultural preservation. It is the second-largest employer in the developing world, behind only agriculture, generating incomes and providing important and unique skills development, particularly to women.

Yet, many artisans are trapped in local micro-economies and struggle daily to make a fair living from their handicrafts. This economic crisis is forcing them to leave their roots and traditions behind, risking the continuity of Millenial techniques.

Fortunately, the Internet has created new and exciting opportunities. However, the majority of women artisans still need to gain knowledge of how to take advantage of e-commerce technologies and digital marketing best practices. Womens Magic Hands aims to transform that reality by providing e-commerce resources in four main strategic areas to help artisans thrive in the global market:

  1. Fairtrade Marketplace: Access to a ready-to-sell digital marketplace promoting ethically produced products and ensuring fair pay for the artisans.
  2. Digital Marketing and storytelling: Humanizing the internet and eCommerce by building the stories behind each product, from the cultural richness to the life story of each artisan. Promotion and digital marketing strategies so artisans can showcase their products globally.
  3. Logistics: Quality control, order fulfillment, and shipping tools.
  4. Financial Inclusion: Access to banking, digital payments, and web services through our country ambassadors.